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Asian Business & Management

发布时间:2017-09-02 21:09所属分类:SCI期刊浏览:

Asian Business Management ( ABM ) is an academic general management and business journal, that is, we are in principle open to all disciplines and fields of research on management and business-subject to the condition t


Asian Business & Management (ABM) is an academic general management and business journal, that is, we are in principle open to all disciplines and fields of research on management and business-subject to the condition that submissions must be related to Asia. We especially encourage papers that draw on one of the various streams of the business systems literature, broadly conceived, to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in Asia and the consequences of such embeddedness on managerial and business processes, structures, and outcomes. Please refer to the 2012 Editorial for further guidance on these points.

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