- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Oncology nursing forum》火热征稿中
NLM 缩写: Oncol Nurs Forum NLM ID: 7809033 出版国家: United States 出版地: Pittsburgh, PA 出版商: Oncology Nursing Society 出版周期: 双月刊 创刊...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《The Journal of investigative dermatology》火热征稿
权威SCI《The Journal of investigative dermatology》火热征稿 The Journal of investigative dermatology NLM 缩写: J Invest Dermatol NLM ID: 0426720 出...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Trends in cognitive sciences》火热征稿中
Trends in cognitive sciences NLM 缩写: Trends Cogn Sci NLM ID: 9708669 出版国家: England 出版地: Kidlington, Oxford, UK 出版商: Elsevier Science ...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryn
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO NLM 缩写: J Assoc Res Otolaryngol NLM ID: 100892857 出版国家: United States 出版地...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Annual review of pathology》火热征稿中
Annual review of pathology NLM 缩写: Annu Rev Pathol NLM ID: 101275111 出版国家: United States 出版地: Palo Alto, Calif. 出版商: Annual Reviews ...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Nature methods》火热征稿中
Nature methods NLM 缩写: Nat Methods NLM ID: 101215604 出版国家: United States 出版地: New York, NY 出版商: Nature Pub. Group 出版周期: 月刊 创...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《The Lancet infectious diseases》火热征稿中
The Lancet infectious diseases NLM 缩写: Lancet Infect Dis NLM ID: 101130150 出版国家: United States 出版地: New York, NY 出版商: Elsevier Scienc...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Medicinal research reviews》火热征稿中
Medicinal research reviews NLM 缩写: Med Res Rev NLM ID: 8103150 出版国家: United States 出版地: New York 出版商: Wiley 出版周期: 双月刊 创刊年...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:15[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Annals of surgery》火热征稿中
Annals of surgery NLM 缩写: Ann Surg NLM ID: 0372354 出版国家: United States 出版地: Philadelphia, PA 出版商: Lippincott Williams Wilkins 出版周...