- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《National Medical Journal of China 》火热征稿中
中华医学杂志创刊于中华医学会成立的1915年。创刊之初是中、英文双语期刊,英文刊名为 National Medical Journal of China 。1932 年,中华医学杂志的英文部分与...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Chinese Science Bulletin》火热征稿中
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》火热征稿中
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
International Journal of Finance & Economics
The International Journal of Finance Economics operates an online submission and peer review system that allows authors to submit articles online and ...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal ( SBP ), founded in 1973, publishes papers on all aspects of social, personality, and develo...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
Asian Business & Management
Asian Business Management ( ABM ) is an academic general management and business journal, that is, we are in principle open to all disciplines and fie...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:17[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Nature materials》火热征稿中
Nature materials NLM 缩写: Nat Mater NLM ID: 101155473 出版国家: England 出版地: London, UK 出版商: Nature Pub. Group 出版周期: 月刊 创刊年份: ...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《American journal of respiratory and critical care m
权威SCI《American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine》 American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine NLM 缩写: Am J Respi...
- 202017-09-02 21:09:16[SCI期刊]
权威SCI《Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication,
NLM 缩写: J Nucl Med NLM ID: 0217410 出版国家: United States 出版地: Reston, VA 出版商: Society of Nuclear Medicine 出版周期: 月刊 创刊年份: 19...